In the Heart of Warren County, Pennsylvania, the task falls on us, friends, and members of our community who support Paws Along The River Humane Society to provide a facility for our animals, many of who have suffered from abuse, injury, and neglect. They all need a home!

We welcome into our family the arrival of each and every new animal that temporarily calls PAWS “home.” As we develop relationships with them, we try to “match” their personalities to those in their new permanent homes.

They are family!

With your help, PAWS will continue to be a place for animals of all kinds to find healing and caring- for a long, long time to come.

Thank you for considering adopting a pet from PAWS! Not only will you enjoy and benefit from adding a pet to your home, but you are also giving a deserving friend a second chance. You’ll make a new friend for life – and save a life.