Summer Care for the Outdoor Animal:

  • For dogs and cats: MUST ALWAYS have shelter from the rain, snow, & winds & shade from the hot summer sun (dog house must be placed in the shade-not in direct sunlight).
  • For livestock: Proper shelter for livestock would be access to an open barn, a three-sided lean-to with a roof, or a run in off the side of a barn. The shelter should face east, away from the incoming weather. A tree line is not adequate shelter by Pennsylvania law! There are no specifications in the PA Animal Cruelty Laws in regards to the size of pasture or shelter--the shelter must accommodate the number of animals you have.
  • All animals MUST ALWAYS have access to water at all times--no excuses! Secure water container so it cannot tip or be knocked over (use a bungee cord to secure to a fence/post/tree, surround water container with cinderblocks or place water container inside a tire, dig a hole in the ground & place water container inside).
  • Animal's living area must be kept clean and sanitary at all times (clean of feces, urine, trash, debris, mud & standing water).
  • Animals must be kept free of fleas & internal parasites (worms). Deworm your pet regularly & treat your pet with a proper monthly flea preventative from your veterinarian.
  • If your animal is kept on a chain, the chain must be at least 3 times the length of the animal's body at all times & cannot tangle on anything nor kink up, thus shortening the chain. Swivels on either end of the chain will ensure it will not kink. Tie the animal out on a level area so animals cannot fall off & hang itself. If more than one animal chained in an area, make sure they cannot reach each other to get wrapped around each other & strangle to death.


Winter Care for the Outdoor Animal:

  • For dogs & cats: A proper & adequate dog house that is airtight & up off the ground several inches must be provided. The dog house must have a solid roof & floor & four solid sides. The opening should be just wide enough for the animal to gain entry. The dog house MUST have hay, straw, or cedar chips as bedding & a flap (rubber mud flap, tarp, shower liner, etc.) must be affixed to the dog house door to keep the heat inside the dog house. Soft beddings (blankets, pillows, or dog beds) should not be used as they can become wet & freeze & could become entangled in the chain. The dog house should face east, away from the incoming weather.
  • Check their water several times daily, in case of freezing, or purchase a heated water bowl (at any feed mill or tractor supply store).

An animal outside in the winter should be provided with a heavier diet to withstand the colder weather - your animal's food should be doubled!