The dangers of allowing your cat to roam loose outside:

  • Transfer of diseases & illnesses: Feline Leukemia (FeLV), Feline AIDS (FIV), Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), Upper Respiratory Infections (URI), Rabies.
  • Acquiring internal & external parasites (worms, fleas, ticks, mange).
  • Injuries or death from being hit by vehicles, attacks from or fighting with other animals, caught in traps, poisonings, and mistreatment from inhumane people.

The dangers of chaining or confining your dog:

  • Dogs are naturally social beings who need interaction with humans and/or other animals. Consistent or long-term confinement can severely damage their physical & psychological well-being. A dog, when kept continuously chained or confined in any way, may become neurotic, unhappy, anxious, & often aggressive.
  • Tethered dogs may also suffer from irregular feedings, overturned water bowls, inadequate veterinary care, & extreme temperatures. Owners who chain their dogs are less likely to clean the area of confinement, causing the dogs to eat & sleep in an area contaminated with urine & feces. What's more, because their often neurotic behavior makes them difficult to approach, chained dogs are rarely given even minimal affection. Tethered dogs may become "part of the scenery" & can be easily ignored by their owners.
  • It is common for continuously tethered dogs to endure physical ailments as a result of being continuously tethered. Their necks can become raw & sore, & their collars can painfully grow into their skin (embedded collar). They are vulnerable to insect bites & parasites, & are at high risk of entanglement, strangulation, & harassment or attacks by other dogs or people.