Live traps are available for rental at the rate of $1.00 per day if returned within 72 hours.  After 72 hours it is $2.00 per day per trap.  A maximum of two traps may be rented per individual. 

Humane Use of Live Traps Procedures and Policies

(Trap only during our open hours, so we may assist you in a timely manner)

1. Establish a food site and begin feeding the animal for a few days then place the trap in the same location. Pick up the food at night so you don't attract other animals. This will improve trapping success.

2. Trap during the daylight hours only. Early morning hours are best.

3. Close down traps at 2 PM. We don't want you to trap skunks or other night animals.

4. Cover the trap with a sheet or towel to keep the animal quiet and calm.

5. Set trap in a quiet place if possible. Check it every few hours. The animal should not be kept in the trap for a long period of time.

6. Once in the trap DO NOT OPEN!!! Deliver the animal in the trap. Wear gloves for safety.

7. Our hours for accepting trapped animals are from 8 am - 11 am or 12 pm to 3 pm. We are closed Wednesdays, Sundays, and Holidays.

8. Notify your neighbors you will be trapping so they will not have their pet taken away. We do not want a family pet. We can however, do some education on the safety hazards of allowing your pet to roam.


Once brought into the shelter, the animal is the property of the shelter and will be handled according to our policies. You must notify us if you know the owner of any animal you trap.  PAWS does not give out any information on any animal no longer at the shelter.